
repo is created to contain my projects and tasks which has been assigned to me during my course of web-designing at college.

Primary LanguageHTML


repo is created to maintain my projects and tasks which has been assigned to our batch during course of web-designing at college.


It can be used by juniors as a reference. It can help them to save time whic may be wasted in debugging.

course instructor

Mr. ankit attkan (zvythnam)


Experiment 1 (Basics of HTML and CSS)

I. (a) Create a webpage with HTML describing your department. Use paragraph and list(Ordered, Unordered,Definition list) tags

(b) Create links on the words e.g. “Wi-Fi” and “LAN” to link them to Wikipedia pages.

(c) Insert an image and create a link such that clicking on image takes user to other page.

(d) Change the background color using (Direct, HEX, RGB) methods and text color of the page. At the bottom create a link to take the user to the top of the page.

(e) Basic Tags with Example.

Experiment 2 (Table, Frames , HTML5)

  1. (a) How to create your class time-table using table tags and use ofattributes which are associated with table tag.

(b) Use tables to provide layout to your HTML page describing your Institute infrastructure.

(c) Use and

tags to provide a layout to the above page instead of a table layout.

(d) Use frames such that page is divided into 3 frames 20% on left to show contents of pages, 60% in center to show body of page, remaining on right to show remarks.

(e) Embed Audio and Video into your HTML web page.

(f) Layout Tags and create a web page given below using layout tags and apply CSS accordingly.

Experiment 3 (CSS)

(a) Apply CSS to change colors of certain text portion, bold, underline and italics certain words in your HTML web page. Also change background color of each paragraph.

(b) Apply CSS properties using inline, Internal and External methods of CSS

(c) Write all the above styling in CSS in different file (.css) and link it to your webpage such that changes made in CSS file are immediately reflected on the page. Group paragraphs

into single class and add styling information to the class in CSS.

(d) CSS properties: CSS Background(background-color, background-image, background- position, background-repeat, background-attachment), CSS border, CSS display, CSS opacity, CSS font, CSS padding.

Note-> Cover Maximum Properties of CSS (e) Create a simple form to submit user input like his name, age, address and favorite subject, movie and singer.

(f) Add few form elements such as radio buttons, check boxes and password field. Add a submit button at last.

(g) How to add comments using CSS


1.(a). How to show the Photo gallary of an Institute using an Image Map.

(b). Create a table to show your class time-table and use the following properties: height, width, border, border-collapse, padding, background-color, color etc as per the requirement.

Experiment 5 (JavaScript-I)

I. (a) Create a form similar to the one in previous experiment. Put validation checks on values entered by the user using JavaScript (such as age should be a value between 1 and 150).

(b) Write a JavaScript program to display information box as soon as page loads.

(c) Write a JavaScript program to change background color after 5 seconds of page load.

(d) Write a JavaScript program to dynamically bold, italic and underline words and phrases based on user actions.

(e) Write a JavaScript program to display a hidden div (e.g. showing stats of a player when user clicks on his name).

(f) Embedding javascript in HTML pages.

(g) WAP to create popup boxes in javascript.

(h) Program to create a class calculator that contains an overloaded method called "add" to calculate the sum of two integers, two float numbers and, one integer and one float

Experiment 6(Javascript-2)

1.(a) Write a script that accomplish each of the following tasks

   (i) Calculate the integer part of the quotient and integer remainder when integer a is divided by integer b.
   (ii) Use the part (a) and write a function displayDigits that receives an integer between 1 and 99999 and prints it as a series of digits, each pair of which is separated by two spaces. For example, the integer 4562 should be printed as 4 5 6 2

(b) Create a college registration form to obtain a users first name, last name, mobile number, e- mail address, submit and cancel button. Now validate the mobile number and email using java script.

(c) To design the scientific calculator and make event for each button using javascript.

(d) Write a script that simulates coin tossing. Let the program toss the coin each time the user clicks the Toss button. Count the frequency and corresponding percentage of each side of the coin appears. Display the results in the form of a table given below


I. (a) Write a simple HTML code incorporating simple tags(paragraph, heading, preforrmatted tags etc) and list tags. Try validating it on validator.w3.org

(b) Add suitable header tags and format according to the validator. Validate it successfully.

(c) Add CSS file to style your document. Revalidate it using validator.

(d) Add links, images and tables. Revalidate it using validator.