Cloth Prediction Model


Welcome to the Cloth Prediction Model repository! This project focuses on predicting the type of clothing items based on various input features. The model has been developed and maintained by Harshvardhan. Whether you are interested in exploring the codebase, contributing to the project, or utilizing the pre-trained model, this README will guide you through the essentials.


  • Prediction Model: A machine learning model that predicts clothing types based on input features.
  • Dataset: The model has been trained on a specific dataset, which is included in the repository.

Getting Started


Before running or contributing to the project, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Python, Tensorflow 3.X , keras , Jupyter notebook


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Launch it using Jupyter Notebook.

  3. Simply provide the path to the image for testing and it will ouput you with the label.

Feel free to tailor this README template to suit your specific project details and structure.