
Modern LaTeX assignment template

Primary LanguageTeXApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Modern LaTeX assignment template.


This is a modern template for college assignment applicable mostly for undergraduate students. The template is built on paper class, details of which can be found at https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/paper?lang=en. However, this template changes the "look-and-feel" of "paper" class to suit regular needs of college students. While working on my assignment submissions, I got struck at various roadblocks with regard to design. Adding headers, a suitable introduction, etc. were getting really difficult. I needed a template that could be suitably modified and was on LaTeX (because I was getting bored of MS-Word). So, I decided to work on something. Thus, I modified an original class and got something new. I made this for my own assignments, but I believe this template can be used by more people. The more, the merrier. :D

About paper class

Paper class is a highly underrated class, perhaps since most publishers require the documents in their proprietary format. However, there are more novel uses, like these, possible.


This is version 1.0

Known issues

There are no known issues in this version. However, if you encounter any, please report the same.