Advent of Code 2023 Solutions 🎄🦀

Welcome to my repository where I'm solving the Advent of Code 2023 problems using Rust! This journey is all about learning Rust, having fun, and honing my problem-solving skills. 🎅

To run the solution for each day

cd day-XX (e.g. day-01)
cargo run --bin part1
cargo run --bin part2

How to Use This Repository 🧑‍💻

  • Install Rust by following the instructions here.
  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Navigate to the specific day's directory.
  • Run the solutions using Cargo as shown above.

Goals 🎯

Get more comfortable with Rust. Practice problem-solving. Complete all the challenges before Christmas! 🌟

Progress 📈

  • Day 1 through 16, both parts 🎉
  • Day 18, both parts 🎉

Feel free to explore and reach out if you have any suggestions or want to pair up on solving some of these puzzles. Happy coding and happy holidays! 🎁