
An application to run benchmarks on a variety of log shippers.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Log Shipper Benchmarks


The role of this application is to provide the ability to easily benchmark the file input capabilities of various log shipper clients to a Kafka output destination. Metrics from the log shippers are collected via metricbeat.



  • Must be running Go >= 1.8.x, although was built with 1.10.0
  • Ensure GOPATH is set to $HOME/go and that the directory exists
  • Ensure $HOME/go/bin is part of you PATH environment variable
  • Require go vendoring library: github.com/kardianos/govendor (go get github.com/kardianos/govendor)

For currently included modules:

Go Packages:

  • github.com/kardianos/govendor
  • github.com/c9s/goprocinfo/linux
  • github.com/Pallinder/go-randomdata
  • github.com/mitchellh/go-ps

Metrics Collection:

Building from source

make deps
make clean
make all


The config, which is in JSON format, should contain the following fields:

  • additional_metricbeat_fields : An object consisting of additional key/value properties to add the the metricbeat data. (Type: map[string]string, Default: )
  • custom_log_entry : If set, the this specific log entry will be written to the files instead of a randomly generated one. (Type: string, Default: )
  • enable_random : If set to true, the application will randomly choose a line size and wait time between writes. (Type: boolean, Default: false)
  • kafka_broker_list : List of Kafka broker hostnames (HOST:PORT) to use in the log shippers. Currently only this output destination is supported. (Type: []string, Default)
  • log_files_base_dir : Location where the sample log files will be created (Type: string, Default: )
  • log_line_size : The size (character length) of the log entry to be randomly generated. (Type: int, Default: 50)
  • log_shipper_bin_path : The path to the log shipper binary. (Type: string, Default: )
  • log_shipper_flags : The flags to use when executing the log shipper binary. (Type: string, Default: )
  • log_shipper_name : The name of the log shipper. (Type: string, Default: )
  • log_shipper_process_name : The running process name of the log shipper. (Type: string, Default: )
  • max_procs : The max number of processors this benchmarking app should use. (Type: int, Default: )
  • metrics_dir : The directory in which the collected process metrics will be stored. (Type: string, Default: )
  • module_dir : The directory in which the .so shipper module is found. (Type: string, Default: )
  • module_name : The filename of the module excluding the .so extension. (Type: string, Default: )
  • num_active_log_files : The number of active log files that will be written to concurrently/in-parallel. (Type: int, Default: 10)
  • random_line_size : The MIN,MAX range for the length of the line in characters. (Type []int, Default: )
  • random_write_wait : The MIN,MAX range for period (in milliseconds) bewteen writes to each individual log files. (Type []int, Default: )
  • total_run_time_seconds : The total time (in seconds) to run the benchmark. (Type int, Default: )
  • working_dir : The working directory in which the module will be running. (Type: string, Default: )
  • write_wait_period_ms : The period (in milliseconds) bewteen writes to the each individual log files. (Type int, Default: )

Samples can be found in the _sample_configs directory.

Implementing additional shippers

The individual shippers work with a plugin based system. In order to benchmark a new shipper, you must create a plugin that respects the following interface

type Shipper interface {
        Run(binPath string, cmdArgs []string, workingDir string, filesToMonitor []string, kafkaBrokers []string, filebeatExec chan *exec.Cmd, terminate chan bool, wg *sync.WaitGroup)
        BuildConfig(confDestPath string, filesToMonitor []string, kafkTopicName string, kafkaBrokersList []string)
        GetVersion() string

To compile the plugin manually, run the following command:

go build -a -v -buildmode=plugin -o output/path/to/plugin.so source/path/to/plugin.go

Running the benchmarks:

The benchmarks for a given log shipper are executed as follows:

./logshipper-benchmark [PATH_TO_CONFIG]

To terminate the benchmark, simply hit Ctrl+C. If the process is backgrounded, to initial a clean shutdown, you must kill the logshipper-benchmark with a SIGINT or SIGTERM signal. For example:

kill -INT [PID]


This application was developed quickly to have the ability to efficiently create benchmarks for a variety of log shippers. Having said that, it's certain this code isn't optimal and may likely contain bugs. If you find any bugs/performance improvements to this application, feel free to create a bug report or issue a PR. If you have any additional log shippers you'd like to test, or even different version of them, a PR for thew new log shipper would be much appreciated.


Alain Lefebvre hartfordfive@gmail.com