
Name: Hartik Arora ROll number: 2022CSB1314

The program assumes certain conditions:

  1. The modulo operator is not allowed.
  2. Only the = and != relational operators are permitted.
  3. Multiple variable declarations on the same line (e.g., int a, b, c;) are not supported.
  4. Only the while loop is permitted for iterative statements.
  5. The if statement must always precede the else statement.

Input is accepted via command line, and the program generates two output files: Lexer.txt, which contains tokens extracted from the provided code samples, and Parser.txt, which details the structure of the code and any syntax errors encountered.

Two sample files are provided:, which contains code with correct syntax, and, which contains code with syntax errors.

#How to run Program?

lex cucu.l yacc -d cucu.y gcc lex.yy.c -lfl ./a.out