
showcases Grafana dashboards for Kafka Stream applications leveraging client JMX metrics.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kafka Streams Dashboards

  • Showcases the monitoring of Kafka Streams Metrics

  • The origional version of this project was the basis for a Kafka Summit Europe 2021 presentation titled, What is the State of my Kafka Streams Application? Unleashing Metrics.. It has had a few major revisions since that presentation.

  • It extensively leverages Docker and Docker Compose.

  • Applications are built with Java 14 and run on a Java 17 JVM.

  • Kafka leverages Confluent Community Edition containers, which run with a Java 11 JVM.


  • Setup and Configuration all in the ./scripts/startup.sh script; execute from root directory to get everything running.

  • Shut it all down, use ./scripts/teardown.sh script.

  • Grafana Dashboard

    • https://localhost:3000
    • Credentials:
      • username: admin
      • password: grafana


There are 9 Kafka Streams dashboards as part of this project.

01 - Topology

  • This dashboard will give you insights into the Kafka Streams Topology along with the instance/thread a task is assigned.
  • Aids greatly in understanding the task_id (subtopology_partition) used by other dashboards.

Kafka Streams Topology

02 - Threads

  • Process, Commit, Poll statistics on each thread.
  • The graph will keep thread/instances separated while the number is total (of what is selected).

Kafka Streams Threads

03 - Tasks

04 - Tasks 2E2

05 - Processes

06 - Processes 2E2

07 - Record Cache

08 - StateStore (put/fetch/delete/size)

  • Shows the put, get/fetch, delete, and count statistics into a single dashboard.

Kafka Streams Statestore

09 - StateStore


  • This project leverages docker and docker compose for easy of demonstration.

  • to minimize having to start up all components, separate docker-compose.yml for each logical-unit and a common bridge network ksd.

  • docker compose .env files used to keep container names short and consistent but hopefully not clash with any existing docker containers you are using.

  • Kafka Brokers name/ports

    broker internal (container) bootstrap-servers external (host-machine) bootstrap-servers
    broker-1 broker-1:9092 localhost:19092
    broker-2 broker-2:9092 localhost:29092
    broker-3 broker-3:9092 localhost:39092
    broker-4 broker-4:9092 localhost:49092
  • The Kafka applications can run on the host machine utilizing the external names, the applications can run in containers using the internal hostnames.

    • To see the Kafka Streams applications in the dashboard, they must be running within the same network; the applications project does this.

    • Each application can have multiple instances up and running, there are 4 partitions for all topics, so for instances are possible.

    • A single Docker image is built to run any application, this application has the JMX Prometheus Exporter rules as part of the container, it also has a health-check for Kafka streams that leverages jolokia and the kafka-metrics-count metric.

    • To improve startup time of the applications, the Docker image preloads the jars for kafka-clients and kafka-streams and excludes them from the distribution tar. with RocksDB being a rather large jar file, this has shown to greatly improve startup time as the image needs to untar the distribution on startup.

    • To reduce build times, the Docker image is only built if it doesn't exist or if -Pforce-docker=true is part of the build process.

In addition to Kafka Streams Metrics, this project has examples on best-practices for working with Kafka Streams and building out some ideas of making your deployments easier.

  • leaving group on close, even with stateful-sets
  • how to use environment variables to overide stream settings
  • naming your processors
  • naming your state-stores

OpenSource libraries

  • The primary software libraries used in addition to Apache Kafka Client and Streams Libraries.

    • FasterXML Jackson

    • Lombok

    • JCommander

    • Slf4j API

    • Logback

    • Apache Commons

      • lang3
      • csv


The tools project provides custom deserializers to use to inspect key elements on a change-log topic.

  • scripts/enable-custom-tools-derserialer will create a symbolic link to the tools jar file. This allows for kafka-console-consumer to utilize those deserializers. Inspect the script before running, to understand the modification it will do (expecially if your installation of Apache Kafka is not Confluent's.)
kafka-console-consumer \
   --bootstrap-server localhost:19092 \
   --property print.timestamp=true \
   --property print.partition=true \
   --property print.key=true \
   --property key.separator=\| \
   --key-deserializer=io.kineticedge.ksd.tools.serde.SessionDeserializer \
   --topic analytics_session-SESSION-aggregate-purchase-order-changelog