
Featuring new tailwindcss v1.4 purge in harmony with element-ui styles - nuxt sample app with @nuxtjs/tailwindcss v2

Primary LanguageVue


Nuxt sample app with @nuxtjs/tailwindcss & element-ui - featuring new tailwindcss v1.4 purge in harmony with element-ui styles (not getting purged).

Live Preview

Preview here

Libraries & References 🏆

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

# generate static project
$ yarn generate

# generate static for GitHub Pages
$ yarn generate:gh-pages

# deploy `dist` folder for GitHub Pages (branch 'gh-pages')
$ yarn deploy:gh-pages

Deployment: Github Actions > Github Pages

💪 This repo has been setup for fully automated deployment of the Live Preview via Github Actions as Github Pages.

For details, check following files + references below:
nuxt.config.js -> routerBase
package.json -> scripts generate:gh-pages + deploy:gh-pages


References Github :octocat: