
Feel free to look me up and follow me on fitocracy as sjoconnor.


This is an unofficial API to help you get your lifting data from Fitocracy. I am in no way affiliated with Fitocracy, and do not represent them. Additionally, I have no desire to be responsible for your username and password, so although I may create forms to make certain things easier to access, I will not publically host this app. Please be careful when using this and keep your username/password secure.


Currently the user name is ignored. I have environment variables set on my Heroku. I plan to actually utilize the supplied username, but for now it will use whatever username you have configured.


You should be able to simply clone the project, perform a bundle install and then start your Sinatra server with bundle exec ruby -rubygems login_api.rb.

In login.api.rb you'll need to swap out the Username and Password with your actual credentials, or you can optionally set the following environment variables in user.rb.

class User


  def initialize(hash={})
    @username = hash[:username] || ENV['fitocracy_api_username']
    @password = hash[:password] || ENV['fitocracy_api_password']
    @agent    = hash[:agent]




My Lifts

Hitting /user/:username/activities will return JSON with all of your lifts. For now the :username paramater is just fluff, as all actions will be done based upon the logged in user. In the future the passed in :username will be used.

Sample output:

    "count": 197,
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Barbell Squat"
    "count": 187,
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Barbell Bench Press"
    "count": 175,
    "id": 183,
    "name": "Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP)"
    "count": 116,
    "id": 283,
    "name": "Chin-Up"
    "count": 93,
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Barbell Deadlift"
    "count": 61,
    "id": 425,
    "name": "Romanian Deadlift"

Specific Lifts

You can get data regarding a specific link by appending the exercise name, exactly as it comes from Fitocracy, like so: /user/:username/activity/:activity_name. Pass the activity name ("Barbell Bench Press") as a param. The lift name must match exactly as it does on Fitocracy.

Sample output:

    "actions": [
        "effort0_imperial_string": "80 lb",
        "effort0_imperial": 80.0,
        "effort1_imperial_unit": {
          "id": 31,
          "abbr": "reps",
          "name": "Reps"
        "new_quest": null,
        "effort2_metric_unit": null,
        "effort1_metric_string": "6 reps",
        "effort2_string": null,
        "effort3_unit": null,
        "effort4_metric_string": null,
        "effort0_metric": 36.28738963043027,
        "is_pr": false,
        "effort5_imperial_unit": null,
        "effort4_string": null,
        "id": 32349306,
        "effort2_unit": null,
        "actiondate": "2012-02-02",
        "effort5_metric_unit": null,
        "effort0_metric_string": "36.3 kg",
        "effort0_unit": {
          "id": 35,
          "abbr": "lb",
          "name": "Pounds"


November 22, 2012

  • Routes were changed so login validations could be ran before each request.
  • All routes are now POSTs, instead of GETs. Doing a GET with usernames/passwords didn't feel right, for obvious reasons.
  • Extracted all paths into a separate module to keep them all together.
  • Added an additional form, primarily to make testing easier.


  • Switch to POSTS and set up a form accepting a username/password combination
  • Should not have to log in for every request
    • Keep user session around
  • Actually look up the lifts for a specific exercise
  • Possibly adding good charts for lifts
  • Massive refactor
    • Eliminate login duplication
    • Extract pages into objects
  • Utilized :username param when looking up activites