OSX-like MacBook trackpad settings using X11 and xf86-input-mtrack.
There's an X11 window server in your OS with xf86-input-mtrack driver installed. For ArchLinux it's done by:
pacman -S xorg
pacaur -S xf86-input-mtrack # it's from AUR
cp 50-mtrack.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
Copy .xinitrc contents into yours corresponding X11 startup conf.
- Pointer Acceleration. Modify the "AccelerationProfile", "ConstantDeceleration" and "AccelerationVelocityScaling" fields. Checkout [xorg.conf(5)] for documents.
- Pointer Acceleration under three finger selection. Modify the "SwipeSensitivity" option.
- 4 finger Swipe Switching Workspace. That's depending on what window manager/desktop environment you're using. Just bind Button9 and Button8 for next and prev actions respectively.