
lex + yacc + llvm


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • flex 2.6.4
  • bison 3.5.1
  • llvm 10.0.0

Compile compiler


Compile SPL programs and Execute

./spl test.spl

// execute IR directly: 
lli output.ll 

// generate executable object file and execute it: 
clang output.o 

DAG visualization

llvm-as < spl.ll | opt -analyze -view-cfg
dot *.dot -T png -o dag.png

AST visualization

python ParseTreeVisualizer.py parseTree.json 
# 'parseTree.json' is set as the default file name


llvm structure

llvm tutorila

llvm developer reference: include/llvm/IR llvm developer reference: lib/IR

SPL-Compiler by czyxm



  • Allow function be defined in a function.

Time Line

  • 5.26
    • able to run
  • 5.27
    • generate object file
  • 5.28
    • solved: support comments by adding '//' at the start of the comments
    • solved: procedure must not return anything
  • 5.30
    • add: able to generate parse tree picture
  • 6.2
    • add: string type now available when draw pic, but something wrong with write.
  • 6.2
    • add: able to write string variable and string constant
  • 6.11
    • add: able to generate all system functions
    • feature: using Newton-Raphson method to solve sqrt

bug fix

  • test_logical.spl: and、not、or 显示错误
    • 原文件中在 if 后面需要加 begin... end,或者将 if 后面的语句的分号去掉才能正常运行,否则会 syntax error
    • stmt 后面不能加分号,而 stmt_list 才表示用分号区分开的语句组
// 原文件
if (((m mod 2) = 0) and ((n mod 2) = 0) or ((m mod 2) = 1) and ((n mod 2) = 1)) then 
    writeln("m and n are both even number or odd number", m); 
    writeln("one of m and n is odd while the other is even"); 
  • fix: div for float, including float div float, float div int, int div float

    • Ast.cpp: 166, if one of the para is int, convert it to float
  • fix: LLVM: Instruction does not dominate all uses

    • label确定了llvm的参数域,不能跨域访问变量
    • 使用createLoad和createStore的方法实现跨域获取变量
  • fix: a.out和lli output.ll 运行结果不一致

    • 换用llvm自带的llc进行目标文件的生成
  • fix: 使用const定义数组会出现segment fault的问题

    • 更新constrange的实现
  • fix: const values in array

  • fix: able to assign integer value to a real type

    • Ast.hpp:481, lhsValue->getType()->getPointerElementType()->isDoubleTy()
  • fix: support real and integer mixed operation

    • Ast.hpp:136, if one of the operator is real and the other is integer, then convert the integer one to real
  • fix: support writeln;

    • Ast.cpp:1065, add size == 0