Tools used
- UI: React.js (Firebase)
- Backend: Spring Boot (Heroku)
- Logic Server: Python (Heroku)
- Database: Firebase
- UI/Frontend displays the analysis and the forecast chart
- Backend gathers data and triggers the analysis
- Logic analyzes the data and forecasts
Current plan
- build the backend to gather the data
- link the backend to trigger the analysis
- build the logic server to analyze the data
- build the frontend to display the data
- improve the logic to forecast the future cases
- improve (especially #3-5)
To Do (Nov/19/2018), especially with Spring Boot backend
- Set the spring boot to have controller/service/repo
- Host the spring boot backend to a server (Heroku)
- Make the spring boot to gather data
- Make the spring boot to store the gathered data
- Make the spring boot to retrieve the data (to hand it off to the Logic server)
- Using axios for http requests
$ npm start
$ npm run build
move the build folder content to public
React Native
$ lsof -i :19003
$ react-native run-ios
$ react-native bundle --entry-file index.js --platform ios --dev false --bundle-output ios/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ios (react native doesn't create main.jsbundle automatically)
$ killall node (save 8081)
Spring Boot
$ export PATH=/Library/Maven/apache-maven-3.6.0/bin:$PATH
$ mvn package
$ git subtree push --prefix spring-boot-backend regression-on-sm-backend master
$ cd spring-boot-backend/ && mvn install && cd .. && git subtree push --prefix spring-boot-backend regression-on-sm-backend master
Heroku (
$ git add .
$ git commit
$ git push heroku master (in python folder)
$ heroku open
$firebase deploy
HOW TO GET ID TOKEN: POST[API_KEY], with body {"email": "EMAIL", "password": "PASSWORD", "returnSecureToken": true
HOW TO GET DATA: GET, with no body but header {AUTHORIZATION: "Bearer ID_TOKEN", Content-Type: application/json}
HOW TO UPDATE DATA: PATCH, with header {AUTHORIZATION: "Bearer ID_TOKEN", Content-Type: application/json} and body {"name": "projects/PROJECT_ID/databases/(default)/documents/COLLECTION_NAME/DOCUMENT_NAME", "fields": {"NEW_FIELD_NAME": {"stringValue": "VALUE"}}, "createdTime": "TIMESTAMP", "updatedTime": "TIMESTAMP"}
HOW TO ADD DATA: POST, with header {AUTHORIZATION: "Bearer ID_TOKEN", Content-Type: application/json} and body {"fields": {"NEW_FIELD_NAME": {"stringValue": "VALUE"}}}
(datatype info: