
Survey of SFC implementation frameworks

Primary LanguagePostScript

NFV-SFC-Survey-Future Internet 2022

In this work, we review the state-of-the-art NFV and SFC implementation frameworks and present a taxonomy of the current proposals. Our taxonomy comprises three major categories based on the primary objectives of each of the surveyed frameworks: (1)~resource allocation and service orchestration, (2) performance tuning, and (3) resilience and fault recovery. We also identify some key open research challenges that require further exploration by the research community to achieve scalable, resilient, and high-performance NFV/SFC deployments in next-generation networks.

Contributions summary

We present the vNF chaining requirements and how they relate to SFC implementations in service provider networks, thus some use cases for the SFC paradigm are presented. An overview of the current state-of-the-art SDN, NFV, and SFC is also presented as the foundation for the frameworks reviewed in this paper;

We present a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art NFV frameworks for building and implementing vNFs, particularly frameworks that have been proposed for use in SFC environments. We also present a taxonomy of SFC implementation frameworks, focusing on each SFC-related challenge, each one addressing the approaches used.

Finally, we identify and discuss the main open research challenges associated with NFV and SFC environments in the next generation networks.

BibTeX citation

@article{adoga2022network, title={Network Function Virtualization and Service Function Chaining Frameworks: A Comprehensive Review of Requirements, Objectives, Implementations, and Open Research Challenges}, author={Adoga, Haruna Umar and Pezaros, Dimitrios P}, journal={Future Internet}, volume={14}, number={2}, pages={1--39}, year={2022}, publisher={MDPI} }