A new Flutter project.
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
- CI/CD pipeline is added to Github Actions.
- Main screen is completed.
- Applications screen are completed.
- Blocked activities screens are completed.
- Activities screens are completed.
- Filters screens are completed.
- Statistics screen is completed.
- Settings Screens are not completed.
- Environment Variables are added.
- All Texts are configured as JSON. (Localization)
- It is made responsive.
- Splash Screen is added.
- The portrait is forced up.
- Introduction screens are added.
- The logo is designed.
- Widget testing is applied.
- Three Dot button is added to the AppBar for all screens.
- Hive NoSQL database is started to use instead of SQlite.
- Search button is added.
- Application model is implemented.
- Applications is added to the Hive NoSQL database.
- When the app is started, installed & removed apps is checked and added to the database.
- Allow wifi & mobile network button is added to the database.
- Filter model is implemented.
- Filters is added to the database.
- Statistic model is implemented.
- Activity model is implemented.
- VPNService is implemented.
- Internet access of applications can be manageable thanks to vpnservice.
- Activities of apps (hosts) can be trackable thanks to dns proxy.
- Activities leading icon will be change to the number of times occurred the activity.
- Activities of apps will be edited in terms of elements of class. (number of times etc.)
- Second screen of the activities and the blocked activites screen will be edited accordingly.
- Filters will be added.
- In the first opened, the firewall does not work (Bug) (Solved)
- Make tests
- Statistics screen will be updated.
- Settings screen will be updated.
- DNS Filtering/Blocking based on hosts file will be added.
- Some services (LogService, StatisticService, etc.) will be implemented.
- Other Buttons will be added to the AppBar. (Filter etc.)
- Settings screens will be completed.
- Some animations will be added.
- Classes & Modals & Utils will be added.
- Some Logic (Changing the theme, Button Logic etc.) will be added.
- The data will be moved to the database.
- Try the application on another smartphones.