
This is very simple and lightweight mathematical captcha class. You can easily configure it in your laravel 5 project

Primary LanguagePHP

laravel-5 Captcha

This is very simple and lightweight mathematical captcha class. You can easily configure it in your laravel 5 project.


  1. First download the Mc.php file and put this file in your App/Http/Controllers directory
  2. Now in your controller method implement like as
public function index()
  	return view('test',compact('question'));
  1. In your view
  <p>Question: {{$question}}</p>
  <form action="{{route('postTestRoute')}}" method="POST">
  	<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">
  	<p>Put your answer: <input type="text" name="answer"></p>
  	<input type="submit">


  1. Now check the given captcha is right or wrong in your controller method.
   public function postMc()
   		return "Correct answer";
   		return "Incorrect";