An iterative sparse matrix dense vector multiplication solver with MPI

Primary LanguageC++

Iterative SpMV solver

Author: Harun Sasmaz

Iterative Sparse Matrix - Dense Vector Multiplication program with 1D row partition.

Unsymmetric COO format matrices are used to read by mmio.h and are converted to CSR format.

Used MPI version: mpich v3.2.1

There are three parts:

Part I:

Partition by equal rows to each process.

Part II:

Hybrid MPI + OpenMP implementation

Part III:

Load balanced row partitioning


First go to the part you want to test, then call "make"

You can swap one of the part with serial code and test serial version.


mpirun -np <NUM_PROCS> build/spmv <test_matrix> <iteration_count>

You can also use provided <submit_job.sh> batch file.


Provided results are obtained by the matrices at;

