

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Digi.me SDK for Android

The Digi.me SDK for Android is a multi-module library that allows seamless authentication with Consent Access service, making content requests and core decryption services. For details on the API and general CA architecture, visit Dev Support Docs.


Digi.me SDK depends on digi.me app being installed to enable user initiated authorization of requests. For detailed explanation of the Consent Access architecture please visit Dev Support Docs.

Table of Contents

Manual Installation

Using gradle

NOTE: For testing and initial integration,DEVELOPMENT builds should be used, since production usage might be subject to usage billing. For instructions how to set up use of Dev version see the section below.

  1. Add the repository path to your root build.gradle
    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url "https://repository.sysdigi.net/m2/libs-release"}
  1. If creating a new project set Minimum SDK to 21.

  2. For existing projects set minSdkVersion to 21 in build.gradle

  3. In your project build.gradle (for example app.build.gradle) add the digime-core dependency

   dependencies {
        compile 'me.digi.sdk:digime-core:1.3.2'
  1. You should be able to import me.digi.sdk.core.DigiMeClient now.

Development builds and snapshots

For testing purposes or initial integration dev version of the library should always be used. To use development version, following dependency should be imported.

   dependencies {
        compile '...:digime-core:1.3.2-dev'

Snapshot builds can be retrieved from the SNAPSHOTS repository. Snapshots can be used to try out new in-development features. It is discouraged to use snapshots in production releases. To use snapshot builds use the following dependency:

   dependencies {
        compile '...:digime-core:1.3.3-SNAPSHOT'

Directly from source code (downloaded or git submodule)

  1. Download source code

  2. If creating a new project set Minimum SDK to 21.

  3. For existing projects set minSdkVersion to 21 in build.gradle

  4. In Android Studio, go to File > New > New Module, select "Import Existing Project as Module"

  5. Specify location of the downloaded code

  6. Go to File > Project Structure, add the SDK module as a dependency for your project

  7. You should be able to import me.digi.sdk.core.DigiMeClient now.

Proguard setup

If proguard is enabled in the project you might need to add following parameters to proguard configuration:

-dontwarn retrofit2.**
-dontwarn javax.naming.**
-keep class retrofit2.** { *; }
-keepattributes Signature

-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keep class okhttp3.** { *; }
-keep interface okhttp3.** { *; }
-dontwarn`` okhttp3.**
-dontwarn okio.**

-dontwarn com.google.gson.**
-dontwarn org.spongycastle.**

Configuring SDK usage

Obtaining your Contract ID and App ID

Before accessing the public APIs, a valid Contract ID needs to be registered for an App ID. The Contract ID uniquely identifies a contract with the user that spells out what type of data you want, what you will and won't do with it, how long you will retain it and if you will implement the right to be forgotten. It also specifies how the data is encrypted in transit.

To register a Consent Access contract check out Digi.me Dev Support. There you can request a Contract ID and App ID to which it is bound.

DigiMeClient and it's configuration

DigiMeClient is the main hub for all the interaction with the API. You access it through it's singleton accessor:


DigiMeClient is automatically bootstrapped so there is no need to initialize it onCreate. However before you start interacting with it in your app, you will need to configure it with your contractId and appId:

Add your contractId and appId to a project resource file (for example strings.xml) and reference them in your Android manifest:

  1. Add a string to your strings.xml with the value of your contractId (example name digime_contract_id)

  2. In AndroidManifest.xml add a meta-data element specifying your contractId:

<application  ...>
    <meta-data android:name="me.digi.sdk.Contracts" android:resource="@string/digime_contract_id" />
  1. Include you appId by adding a meta-data element:
<application  ...>
    <meta-data android:name="me.digi.sdk.AppId" android:value="@string/DIGIME_APP_ID" />   
  1. SDK needs internet permission so you need to add it with uses-permission element:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  1. Since DigiMeClient calls out to Digi.me app to let the user authorize request for data, you need to add the following intent-filter:
   <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
   <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
  1. Optionally you can include a custom App Name by specifying meta-data element:
<application  ...>
    <meta-data android:name="me.digi.sdk.AppName" android:value="@string/app_name" />   

Providing contract private key

All content retrieved by the SDK is encrypted in transit using the public key bound to the certificate that was created when the Consent Access contract was created. For SDK to be able to decrypt content transparently matching private key must be provided (ie. from the keypair created for contract).

Digi.me SDK accepts PKCS #12 encoded files as the default key storage format.

API exposes multiple input vectors for p12 files.

p12 file from custom sources

Digi.me SDK provides multiple helper methods to read and extract keys from p12 files. KeyLoaderProvider is the object that manages all the keys. Invoking DigiMeClient.getDefaultKeyLoader() returns the default provider. From there we have an option to add a p12 file content via InputStream:

DigiMeClient.getDefaultKeyLoader().addKeyFromPKCS12Stream(stream, keystore_passphrase);

or manually from assets/resources:

//From assets
DigiMeClient.getDefaultKeyLoader().getStore().addPKCS12KeyFromAssets(context, assetPath, null, store_passphrase, null);

//or from resources
DigiMeClient.getDefaultKeyLoader().getStore().addPKCS12KeyFromResources(context, resourceID, null, store_passphrase, null);

Utility class PKCS12Utils also provides additional input vectors (it is used internally):

  • getPKCS12KeysFromByteArray
  • getPKCS12KeysFromBase64

Utility methods return a List<PrivateKey> which in turn can be sent to the default loader:


p12 file in manfiest meta-data

If the p12 file is located in application assets, SDK can extract it with a valid asset path:

    <meta-data android:name="me.digi.sdk.Keys" android:value="path_to_file_in_assets" />   

In case the p12 file is part of app resources providing the resource ID will be enough to extract the file:

    <meta-data android:name="me.digi.sdk.Keys" android:value="integer_id_of_the_resource" />   

Since it is recommended for p12 files to be locked with a passphrase, provide the passphrase through meta-data:

    <meta-data android:name="me.digi.sdk.KeysPassphrase" android:value="passphrase" />   

Raw PEM or PKCS#8 encoded keys

In rare cases (usage not recommended) app might need to provide raw private keys either encoded with PEM or raw PKCS#8 format:

 * If key is hexadecimal string, extract it
byte[] key = ByteUtils.hexToBytes(hexCodedKey);

 * Extract PrivateKey from byte array
PrivateKey privateKey = CryptoUtils.getPrivateKey(key);

 * Add the key to the SDK key provider

Callbacks and responses

Digi.me SDK is built to be asynchronous and thread-safe and as such it provides a couple of mechanisms of redirecting results back to the application. For that purpose the SDK provides SDKCallback interface and SDKListener interface.

Both of them are interchangeable and can be used depending on preference. They can be used both at the same time, although such usage would result in very verbose code.


SDKCallback is provided per call and it contains a SDKResponse object which encapsulates all of the objects you can get for the request and actual raw response data. To use a callback you pass it's reference to the request:

import me.digi.sdk.core.DigiMeClient;
import me.digi.sdk.core.SDKCallback;
import me.digi.sdk.core.SDKException;
import me.digi.sdk.core.SDKResponse;

DigiMeClient.getInstance().getFileList(new SDKCallback<CAFiles>() {
    public void succeeded(SDKResponse<CAFiles> result) {
                CAFiles files = result.body;
    public void failed(SDKException exception)  {
        //Handle exception or error response

Alternatively if you prefer the SDKListener interface, callbacks can be omitted by passing null.



SDKListener provides a central listening pipe for all the relevant SDK events.

To start listening you must implement the SDKListener interface (most frequently in your Launch Activity) and register it with the DigiMeClient (for example in the onCreate method of your Launch Activity).

public class MainActivity extends ... implements SDKListener {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


To start getting data into application, you'll need to authorize a session. Authorization flow is separated into two phases:

  1. Initialize a session with digi.me API (returns a CASession object)

  2. Authorize session with the digi.me app and prepare data if user accepts.

SDK starts and handles these steps automatically by calling the authorize(Activity, SDKCallback) method. This method expects a reference to the calling activity and optionally a callback.

DigiMeClient.getInstance().authorize(this, new SDKCallback<CASession>() {
    public void succeeded(SDKResponse<CASession> result) {

    public void failed(SDKException exception) {


On success it returns a CASession in your callback, which encapsulates session data required for further calls.

Since authorize() automatically calls into digi.me app, you'll need some way of handling the switch back to your app. You will accomplish this by overriding onActivityResult for your Activity.

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    DigiMeClient.getInstance().getAuthManager().onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

authorize() specifics

Method authorize() also returns an instance of DigiMeAuthorizationManager, which in this case is the default one you can access by calling:


If using the SDKListener interface instead of callbacks, it will trigger these events:

void sessionCreated(CASession session);
void sessionCreateFailed(SDKException reason);

 * User approved in the digi.me app and data ready
void authorizeSucceeded(CASession session);
 * User declined 
void authorizeDenied(AuthorizationException reason);
 * Activity passed a wrong request code, most likely from another application
void authorizeFailedWithWrongRequestCode();

Furthermore you don't have to keep a reference to the returned CASession object internally, since DigiMeClient already track that object. You can always reference it later if need arises, but such scenarios are very rare:


Fetching data

Upon successful authorization you can request user's files. To fetch the list of available files for your contract:

 /*  @param callback         reference to the SDKCallback<CAFiles> or null if using SDKListener

Upon success DigiMeClient returns a CAFiles object which contains a single field fileIds, a list of file IDs.

Finally you can use the returned file IDs to fetch their data:

 /* @param fileId         ID of the file to retrieve
  * @param callback         reference to the SDKCallback<CAFileResponse> or null if using SDKListener
DigiMeClient.getInstance().getFileContent(fileId, callback)

Upon success DigiMeClient returns a CAFileResponse which contains a list of deserialized content objects (CAContent)

For detailed content item structure look at Dev Docs.

Handling fetch failures and automatic exponential backoff

Due to asynchronous nature of Consent Access architecture, it is possible for the CA services to return the 404 HTTP response. 404 errors in this context indicate that "File is not ready". In other words CA services have yet to finish copying and encrypting the content for your created session.

Digi.me SDK handles those errors internally and retries those requests with exponential backoff policy. The defaults are set to 3 retries with base lower interval of 500ms.

In the event that content is not ready even after retrying, SDK will return an exception to appropriate callback/listener.

All of those parameters can be adjusted globally including toggling the backoff policy on/off.

Connection timeout in seconds:

    int globalConnectTimeout;

Connection read/write IO timeout in seconds:

    int globalReadWriteTimeout;

Controls retries globally; toggle automatic retries on/off:

    boolean retryOnFail;

Minimal base delay for retries:

    long minRetryPeriod;

Toggle exponential backoff policy on/off:

    boolean retryWithExponentialBackoff;

Maximum number of times to retry before failing. 0 uses per call defaults, >0 sets a global hard limit. Defaults to 0:

    int maxRetryCount;

These configuration options are set statically on DigiMeClient:

    //Set base delay to 1000 ms
    DigiMeClient.minRetryPeriod = 1000;

Fetching raw response JSON

In some cases it is beneficial to have access to the complete underlying json response. As with regular fetch you can retrieve the data once you have the list of file IDs with:

 /* @param fileId         ID of the file to retrieve
  * @param callback         reference to the SDKCallback<JsonElement> or null if using SDKListener
DigiMeClient.getInstance().getFileJSON(fileId, callback)

Upon success DigiMeClient returns a JsonElement which contains complete file content.

For detailed content item structure look at Dev Docs.

Fetching Account metadata

DigiMeSDK also provides relevant metadata about service accounts linked to returned file content. You can fetch account details after obtaining a valid authorized session key with:

  * @param callback         reference to the SDKCallback<CAAccounts> or null if using SDKListener

Upon success DigiMeClient returns a CAAccounts object which contains List<> of CAAccount objects.

Among others, most notable properties ofCAAccount object are service.name - name of the underlying service, accountId - account identifier which can be used to link returned entities to specific account.


There are no additional steps necessary to decrypt the data, the SDK handles the decryption and cryptography management behind the scenes.

In cases where you don't want to use the SDK for requests, the security module can be used independently. Just import me.digi.sdk.crypto package.

For details on such implementation check out the examples/consent-access-no-sdk example app.