
12K-line spreadsheet breaks in v2.*

bobbi-SMR opened this issue · 2 comments

From #9 comments:

Hi Bobbi, I have a follow-up question about the plugin. We were able to load a spreadsheet of almost 12,000 rows once successfully but since then have kept bumping into what seems to be a time-out error of some sort as we test further. This doesn't happen with spreadsheets of 5000 rows or fewer. Are there any settings in any of the code or in AS that we might be able to manipulate to avoid that? We can break the spreadsheet into smaller chunks if need be, but I thought I'd check first since it did work once. When it worked our test instance was still on v1.5.4 but now is on v2.0. Systems is going to upgrade us to v2.1.2 soon to see if that has any impact. I appreciate any insight you might have. Amber

Hi Bobbi,

For the University of Amsterdam we would like to use the Excel import plugin.
Blake Carver from LYRASIS added the plugin to our site and we are testing with importing Excel files.
But we are receiving a lot of time-out error messages. Our Excel files are quite small compared to what I read
in the other messages of people experiencing the time-outs.

Do you already know more about why the time outs occur, is there already a solution or workaround available?

Thank you!

Best regards,
Matthieu Uittenbogaard
University of Amsterdam

Hi, Matthieu,

I don't know what the problem is; are you seeing anything in the log file? (Hopefully, the configuration for your instance creates multiple log files: the one you want to look at is the "Frontend" log).

If you want to send me a spreadsheet that triggers this, I'd be happy to see if I can duplicate the problem locally. You can email it to me directly at bobbi_fox [AT] harvard.edu