Import resources, archival objects, etc. into ArchivesSpace using Excel spreadsheet files
- 2
Could not find gem 'rubyXL (= 3.3.29) java' with aspace-import-excel v3.0.4 on AS 2.8.1
#65 opened by ccc2lu - 51
install issues, Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "bundler"
#47 opened by danielsprouse - 0
Won't Close If You Miss The File First Try
#64 opened by Blake- - 2
- 1
- 6
- 2
Ref ID not importing into resource record
#62 opened by jm-jones - 9
Compatibility with AS v2.7.0?
#61 opened by noahgh221 - 5
- 3
- 2
assertion failed errors
#5 opened by bobbi-SMR - 7
Series of error upon import
#58 opened by bennetse - 5
Could not find gem 'rubyXL (= 3.3.29) java' with aspace-import-excel v2.1.17 on AS 2.6.0
#54 opened by tomadams - 11
Processing stopped at row 6 [Error(s) parsing Excel File No processible data rows found!]
#40 opened by Blake- - 3
Updating existing archival objects?
#50 opened - 3
Ref ID not found error
#44 opened by amberjewel - 3
- 20
please help with install issue
#46 opened by gdfarr - 2
- 3
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- 3
AO import Digital Object thumbnail (second file version) not loading
#37 opened by ebrplSpecialCollections - 5
initialization broken under Aspace v2.4.0 ?
#33 opened by sdm7g - 2
12K-line spreadsheet breaks in v2.*
#10 opened by bobbi-SMR - 0
- 7
404 Error accessing "/admin/resources/80/getfile" when clicking on "Load via Spreadsheet" button
#27 opened by avatar382 - 15
Link Subjects Error
#28 opened by kfherbert - 1
- 5
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pry gem has incompatible dependency
#18 opened by trevorthornton - 1
- 4
Other Level of Description
#16 opened by kfherbert - 0
- 2
Top container uniqueness?
#11 opened by cdibella - 1
appending time to all dates
#15 opened by kfherbert - 0
Restrictions flag is not being honored.
#14 opened by bobbi-SMR - 1
Authority IDs for Agents and subjects
#13 opened by bobbi-SMR - 2
Error adding to v2.2.0
#12 opened by mattbaya01267 - 24
- 3
- 1
BUG: Notes fields not marked "publish: true"
#8 opened by bobbi-SMR - 3
- 1