
Interactive API for educational demonstrations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is an interactive API for educational demonstrations, using Django Channels and Django REST framework.


docker compose up -d --build
docker compose exec web poetry run ./manage.py migrate
docker compose exec web poetry run ./manage.py collectstatic
docker compose exec web poetry run ./manage.py createsuperuser
docker compose exec web poetry run ./manage.py runserver

Log in as the new superuser at localhost:5000/admin. Identify or create a token, then go to localhost:5000/rooms/test and run, e.g.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/new_event -H 'Authorization: Token <token>' -d '{"message": "hello world!", "room_name":"test"}'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/new_event -H 'Authorization: Token <token>' -d '{"color": "blue", "room_name":"test"}'

Hit Ctrl-C to stop the server, then stop the containers by running

docker compose down

You can also run the service with daphne directly, as in the Procfile:

docker compose exec web poetry run daphne -p 5000 dostuff.asgi:application --bind -v2

When managing dependencies with Poetry, keep requirements.txt up to date by running docker compose exec web poetry export -o requirements.txt.