- abieHotel Delta
- BertgYounited
- charleseffSan Francisco, CA
- colszowkaFreelance Developer
- cristibalanEverywhere
- dcrec1@VelocityCloud
- dgiuntaGiunta Creative
- drnic@mocra
- evandrodutraPortugal
- gutsboltsGuts & Bolts LLC
- HoudiniMoscow
- ideasasylumIdeas Asylum and @podia
- igorkasyanchuk(available for hire)
- jasoncheowSingapore
- jnewland@urcomputeringpal
- jschoolcraftAissac Labs Inc
- KevinTriplettEquinox Institute
- lperichonBuenos Aires
- luminouscode
- matthooksBlack Hole in the Midwest
- michaeldvCupertino, California
- MilhouseThe Buckle
- okiessCologne, Germany
- pelargirAdeptware, Inc.
- peterpunkBabbel
- qrush@wistia
- rmoriz
- saulius@Automattic
- scharfieMorgantown, WV
- seannui
- stjernstrom
- timothyjohRichardson Sales Performance
- timriley@buildkite
- webmatElastic
- wireframeBetterUp
- xaviershayMelbourne, Australia