A simple command line utility & winforms app to create folder structures based on templates.
- Download the setup distribution for the latest release.
- Extract the setup.exe and FolderTemplatesSetup.msi files to a temporary folder.
- Run setup.exe and follow the prompts.
- Download the portable distribution of the latest release.
- Extract zip file to your preferred application path (recommended: "C:\Users\[Your_User_Name]\AppData\Local\Folder Templates")
- Note: overwrite files if you're upgrading
- Hint: type %LocalAppData% into Windows Explorer to find your user's AppData path
If this is your first install, and you'd like to access Folder Templates from your Windows "Send To" menu (recommended):
- Run FolderTemplates.App.exe
- In the menu, select File -> Options -> Add to Send To
If you'd like to customize your Send To shortcut for some reason:
- Right-click on "FolderTemplates.App.exe" and select "Copy"
- Open the "Send To" folder by typing "shell:sendto" in the Windows Explorer address bar
- Right-click in the "Send To" folder and select "Paste Shortcut"
- Rename the new Shortcut to your preferred "Send To" command name (e.g. "Folder Templates")
Once the shortcut is installed, you'll have something like this:
(instructions coming soon... for now, see the "Samples" folder for a kitchen sink example)