
Use Reinforcement Learning and Keras to solve Open AI Gym Cart Pole game

Primary LanguagePython

Master Open AI Gym Cart Pole Game using Reinforcement Learning and Keras

Use Reinforcement Learning and Keras to solve Open AI Gym Cart Pole game

To get started using Open AI Gym with windows, please follow instructions in this link: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-install-openai-gym-in-a-windows-environment-338969e24d30

The code for this project is from: https://github.com/keon/deep-q-learning

There is a description of how to use the code at: https://keon.io/deep-q-learning/

After you have followed the instructions in the above link, you can type the following in the dos command to run twenty-five episodes and have the cartpole game display for the last 20: python ddqn.py

If you want to train the model more, you just increase the number of episodes.