Pinned Repositories
Developed an iOS mobile app using react native that fetches list of music albums from an API's HTTP endpoint. Updated the state to re-render a scrollable view of music album's title, artist, thumbnail and cover images, and a buy now linking to amazon page, styled using Flexbox. Designed components to be reusable by passing data and components from the parent to child, using props and props children. (Screenshots within the albums folder).
Developed a full stack survey software web app using (MongoDB with Mongoose.js/Express/React.js/Node.js). Coded Google OAuth sign in using Passport.js, authenticating users with npm's cookie-session in the server, while updating redux store on client using actions. Implementing payments using Stripe API and surveys using Mongoose. Deployed the web app on Heroku.
harycane's Repositories
Developed an iOS mobile app using react native that fetches list of music albums from an API's HTTP endpoint. Updated the state to re-render a scrollable view of music album's title, artist, thumbnail and cover images, and a buy now linking to amazon page, styled using Flexbox. Designed components to be reusable by passing data and components from the parent to child, using props and props children. (Screenshots within the albums folder).
Developed a full stack survey software web app using (MongoDB with Mongoose.js/Express/React.js/Node.js). Coded Google OAuth sign in using Passport.js, authenticating users with npm's cookie-session in the server, while updating redux store on client using actions. Implementing payments using Stripe API and surveys using Mongoose. Deployed the web app on Heroku.
Published 'fitness-thirty' Alexa Skill, instructing exercise based on chest, cardio, abs or yoga with rest time using a two-shot conversational experience allowing users to continue until Help/Stop/Cancel intent is invoked. Developed 'twitter-trends' Alexa Skill that uses Twitter API & Yahoo's WOEID to fetch top 10 trending. Developed 'twilio-text' Alexa Skill that uses Twilio API to send a custom text to predefined contacts from a Twilio number.
:books: Awesome CS Books/Series(.pdf by git lfs) Warehouse for Geeks, ProgrammingLanguage, SoftwareEngineering, Web, AI, ServerSideApplication, Infrastructure, FE etc. :dizzy: 优秀计算机科学与技术领域相关的书籍归档。
Data Analysis of Birth Dates in US from the fivethirtyeight article:
Improved Home Depot's customers' shopping experience by developing a model that can accurately predict the relevance of search results, using Apache Spark's MLlib, and using Python's numpy and pandas libraries in an interactive Jupyter notebook
Contains Data Structures assignments, labs and other miscellaneous OJ solutions
Contains front end projects done in CMU as well as miscellaneous personal projects
Contains Full Stack Web applications done in CMU as well as personal projects
Contains Game projects built in CMU as well as personal projects
Extremely fast and scalable Python FTP server library
A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming.
A simple contact application using AngularJS that includes locating address entered in the form in the google maps, and file upload, persisting the data in the local storage of the browser. In order to run the application, npm is required. Running the following commands: "sudo npm install" and "sudo npm start" has to be run to install the requisite node modules and start the server at localhost which can then be navigated to, to run the application.
Built a Dynamic J2EE Mutual Fund Web Application accessible to buy/sell funds etc. I implemented the transition day use case, carrying out the CRUD operations of the pending transactions based on the closing fund price, handling concurrency using generic Dao’s Database Transactions. Wrote a custom comparator classes to retrieve, sort and display transactions history. Wrote defensive code to handle HTML and SQL injection attacks. Cloud Deployed the web application using AWS EC2 instance. Exposed the functionality of the mutual fund web application we built by implementing a RESTful Web Service API in Java using the Jersey Framework. Tested acceptance of the system using an Artillery script.