- 0
rails 7 support
#87 opened by azeemh - 3
Maintainer or new owner wanted
#86 opened by sungwoncho - 2
Doesn't work with rails 6.1
#85 opened by mices - 4
- 0
[Feature request] Additional relations
#84 opened by kg-currenxie - 6
Either friend can unblock a blocked friendship
#81 opened by toddsutt - 1
Rails 6.1 support
#80 opened by jerko-culina - 2
Using UUID as primary key
#54 opened by pcasa - 2
When will there be support for rails
#77 opened by mices - 9
Migration Error
#67 opened by ughstudios - 3
Deleting the request by the requester?
#51 opened by AmitJoki - 3
Database indexes
#31 opened by f-anthonioz - 1
- 1
1.1.0 - NoMethodError: undefined method `on_friendship_created' for nil:NilClass
#45 opened by S-hack - 13
Issue on Unblock Friend.
#34 opened by krunalbabaria - 5
A blockee can unblock friend with the blocker
#62 opened by jiehaoliu - 1
Support for MongoDB
#3 opened by sungwoncho - 3
- 1
Specify the Rails release that migration is for
#53 opened by pcasa - 3
No `on_friendship_removed` callback
#58 opened by itay-grudev - 1
Friendship between two models
#52 opened by Wooody82 - 3
Polimorfic association is incomplete
#14 opened by Pensarfeo - 3
Dont work with rails 5.1.3
#48 opened by nikolaylositskiy - 2
rails db:migrate failing
#55 opened by dharshan - 0
Friendship model: Dependent destroy doesn't work correctly on friend association
#46 opened by lucasbiguet - 7
- 3
fix this error
#38 opened by sociliza - 3
Requester can accept his own friend request
#16 opened by ricardokrieg - 11
- 10
Getting NoMethodError undefined method 'accept!' for #<HasFriendship::Friendship:0x99c67b0>
#25 opened by eblohm - 1
No way to rollback the migrations
#29 opened by f-anthonioz - 3
State machine for friendship status.
#13 opened by sungwoncho - 2
Rails 5
#18 opened by sungwoncho - 2
#22 opened by T3tr0 - 2
- 1
Could not find generator 'has_friendship'.
#19 opened by mices - 2
Clarification in the docs
#15 opened by Brantron - 8
- 1
Block a friendable
#2 opened by sungwoncho - 4
- 3
- 0
#4 opened by sungwoncho