
Create links to issues and pull requests in quarto using shortcodes

Primary LanguageLua

Create links to issues and pull requests in quarto using shortcodes

This issue extension is for quarto and quartodoc.


quarto add has2k1/issuey

This will install the extension under the _extensions subdirectory. If you're using version control, you will want to check in this directory.


Create a .qmd file (or project) with configuration for issuey. e.g.

title: "Issue Example"

   issue-url: "https://github.com/has2k1/plotnine/issues/%id"
   issue-text: "#%id"
   issue-title: "Issue: #%id"
   pull-request-url: "https://github.com/has2k1/plotnine/pulls/%id"
   pull-request-text: "PR%id"
   pull-request-title: "Pull Request: #%id"

## Heading

{{< issue 123 >}}

{{< pr 684 >}}

Where the issue / pull-request id are substituted for %id.

  • *-url is the link
  • *-text is link text
  • *-title is link title (What comes up when you hover over the link). The title(s) is optional.

The above snippet would create the following html

<a href="https://github.com/has2k1/plotnine/issues/123" title="Issue: #123">#123</a>

<a href="https://github.com/has2k1/plotnine/pulls/684" title="Pull Request: #684">PR684</a>


Here is the source code for a minimal example: example.qmd.