
A multi-threaded chat server and client implementation in Java

Primary LanguageJava



  • This is a multi-threaded chat server and client implementation in Java
  • Multiple clients can connect to the server simultaneously (a new service thread handles each new client at server side)
  • Server assigns a unique id to each client
  • Following functionalities are available to each client:
    1. Client X: <message> delivers message to client with id X
    2. All: <message> delivers message to all present clients (aka broadcast)
    3. Client X,Y: <message> delivers message to clients with ids X,Y only
    4. Server: List All requests the server to reply with the list of all currently connected clients

Repository structure

  • src/ contains the source code
    • src/Server.java and src/Client.java contain the server and client, respectively
    • src/ClientServiceThread.java is the Runnable (thread) used by Server (one per client)
  • compile.sh bash shell-script can be used to compile both server and client from source


  • First compile by cd-ing into the root of this repository and then running command ./compile.sh
  • To start the server,
    • Execute java -classpath bin Server <port_no> where port_no is the port number at which you want to start the server
    • For example, execute java -classpath bin Server 1024 if server is to be started at port number 1024
  • To start a client (you can start and connect multiple clients),
    • Execute java -classpath bin Client <ip_addr> <port_no> where ip_addr, port_no are IP address of server and port number, respectively
    • For example, execute java -classpath bin Client 1024 is server's IP is and port number is 1024


  1. Reading from and Writing to a Socket
  2. Writing the Server Side of a Socker