
A Quiz App build with OpenDB Api, Reactjs, Chakra Ui, Vite

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Quizzy 🚀 | A Quiz App

Installation 💻

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the terminal from root directory of the project
  3. Follow this commands for run the project

with yarn

 > yarn
 > yarn start

or npm

 > npm i
 > npm start

Features 👇👇

  1. Question's fetch from https://opentdb.com/api_config.php
  2. Question Type (Multiple question)
  3. User wise question submission
  4. User wise answer and result view
  5. User wise Statistics result in dashboard
  6. All data store in local storage
  7. Responsive ui

Tech 👇👇

  1. TypeScript
  2. React.js
  3. Vite
  4. Chakra Ui

Live link: quizzy-app.vercel.app


Build with 💗 by Hasan-py