
This is my poetry app

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This app was built with firebase; for the db and login functionality. So, to use it you'll need to create a new firebase app. Then follow the installation process below.


  • yarn
  • Chnage the configs in the firebase file to correspond to your appropriate credentials.

credentails from https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/YOUR_APP_NAME/overview. Change YOUR_APP_NAME with the actual name of the app you craeted.

  • Create a .env file, in the root dir, with REACT_APP_API_KEY=YOUR_FIREBASE_API_KEY


  • Enable Google sign in method.
  • Finally you need to make sure that you've created a database in the firebase console.

Make sure you choosefirestore technology!

Then your should be able to run the app just fine => yarn start.