
Hey Foodie! Explore recipes and try them out with the help of text and video instruction. You are highly encouraged to visit and cast a cement comment. Happy Learning, Love #ReactJS https://try-recipe.netlify.app/

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hey Foodie! Explore recipes and try them out with the help of text and video instruction. You are highly encouraged to visit and cast a cement comment. Happy Learning, Love #ReactJS

live link https://try-recipe.netlify.app/


  1. Search by recipe name and tag
  2. Filter by ingredient, category, area and the first letter
  3. Random lookup, a single lookup with text and video guidance of making the recipe.
  4. Ingredient and category description. Ingredient autocomplete (mobile 600px )
  5. And the last hot one is "DARK/Nightmode" switching Framework/Tools:
  6. React - A Javascript library for building user interfaces
  7. Material UI - A popular React UI framework
  8. React Router - A declarative routing for react.js
  9. API - themealdb.com
  10. Helper - material-ui-popup-state, material-ui-image, autosuggest-highlight