
My term project for purchasing and downloading ringtones for mobile devices. Worked with class members

Primary LanguageHTML


A brief description of what this project does and who it's for These instructions describe the steps required to create and connect to a database. First of all, a database administrator (for example, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, MySQL Workbench, etc.) is used to create a database. Using the database administrator, you can follow the following steps:

Create a Database For the System:

  • Open the database manager and create a database. In this step, you will determine the name and location of the database.

  • Using the database administrator, run the following SQL commands in a query:

name VARCHAR(255),
email VARCHAR(255),
password VARCHAR(255)

CREATE TABLE ringtones (
name VARCHAR(255),
artist VARCHAR(255),
imageurl VARCHAR(255),
audiourl VARCHAR(255),
category VARCHAR(255),

CREATE TABLE card_payments (
user_id INTEGER,
ringtone_id INTEGER,
transaction_id VARCHAR(255),
amount DECIMAL,
FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id),
FOREIGN KEY (ringtone_id) REFERENCES ringtones(id)

Additionally, change the identify specification from column properties to yes

These commands will create three tables in your database with the names "users", "ringtones" and "card_payments". These tables will contain fields with the following types of data:

  • the "users table will contain: id, name, email and password fields.
  • the ringtones table will contain: id, name, artist, imageurl, audiourl, category and price fields.
  • the card_payments table will contain: id, user_id, ring_id, transaction_id and amount fields. In addition, the user_id and ringtones fields refer to the id fields in the users and ringtones tables.

Connect to the Databese With Entity Framework:

After creating your database, you can follow the steps below to connect to a .NET project(specifically in Visual Studio Code) :

Switch to the CMD in your project and run the following commands:

  • dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
  • dotnet add package from Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
  • dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SQLServer

These commands will add the Entity Framework Core (EF Core) to your project. EF Core is a database access layer used to communicate with your database. Add the following line to the appsettings.json file of your project:

"ConnectionStrings": {"db": "Server=name;Database=dbname;Trusted_Connection=True;TrustServerCertificate=True"}

This line specifies the connection string that is required to connect to your database. replace the name and dbname values with the server name and name of your Database.

Run the Project on Your LocalHost:

This step contains two commands To install all node modules that are need to be installed.

  • npm i or npm install

To run the project

  • dotnet watch run

After that the project will run in your localhost.