
This repo has contents for the take home task for verve group for Senior DS Role.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Verve Group Task

Thoughts and Assumptions about the given data:

The given data has app, bid_price ,win, events as the columns. The bid_price is a continuous column in nature. In practical scenario, we can bid with any continuous value > 0.

In practical scenario, we can bid for any price but in the given table we have price in [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 5, 9] .


  • bid_price > 0 ( bid_price will always be greater 0 otherwise it does not makes sense )
  • bid_price < 9 ( since we already got win_rate of 100% with this bid_price)

Note : 100% win_rate would mean at this bid, there is a 100% chance we will win.

Observations (for app A):

  1. There is a 10x change in number of events with every every bid_price.
  2. The most frequent bid_prices are ~ 0.2.


  1. Maximum number of bids are at 0.2 bid_price i.e. we are considering 0.2 has the value with maximum bids that were made

Answer 1:

Here is the table which has the win_rate for the price mentioned :

app bid_price winrate total_events
A 0.01 0 100000
A 0.1 0.3 10000
A 0.2 0.2 10000000
A 0.4 0.3 1000000
A 0.5 0.2 100000
A 0.75 0.3 10000
A 1 0.6 1000
A 2 0.7 100
A 5 0.8 10
A 9 1 1

Visualising the Winrate


The size of the dots denote the total events

Answer 2:

The simple answer is to maximize the net_revenue , we have to minimize the bid_price.

In the original table and considering the win_rate. 0.2 bid_price has just win_rate of 20%, but the total_events = 10,000,000. So basically, we won 2,000,000 times.

The most optimal bid_valuation that we should send ~ 0.2 because even if the advertiser is willing to pay 0.21$ we get net_revenue as 0.01 * 2000000 = 20,000$ .

Having said that, I would also investigate more around 0.1$ bid_price by doing more bids around the value to see how the winrate changes if we increase the number of total_events.