I was looking for a solution to integrated OpenCV with Unity3D easily. Most of the solution were for Windows with very complex setup procedure / expensive plugins / with feature restriction. As a Unix user those were'nt very helpful. I wanted to utilise full feature of OpenCV and Unity3D regardless OS and then came up with this very simple solution.
- Pythin 3.7 compatibility
- Unity 2018.2 compatible
- Make it compatible for Unity 5.5 and above
- Change port from commonly used 5005 to a safer 5065
- Add comments on how to get position Y value in gameDemo.py file
I've used Open CV Camshift algorithm to detect and track object in Python. Then I send the position of the object into Unity 3D using UDP Socket, read the stream from Unity 3D and change the position of a game object.... Pretty simple.
Here is the demo video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE4_VtUDORw
In order to make this demo work
- You need to install Unity3D (http://unity3d.com)
- Install and configure Python and OpenCV (https://opencv-python-tutroals.readthedocs.org/en/latest/py_tutorials/py_setup/py_setup_in_windows/py_setup_in_windows.html#install-opencv-python-in-windows)
- Change the 3rd line of OpenCV/gameDemo.py to appropriate installation directory of OpenCv
- Run the OpenCV/gameDemo.py
- Drag your mouse over an object. You will find the program start tracking it while you change position. The position will be printed in the command line.
- Open the Unity3d Scene Unity3D/Assets/Scenes/socketTest.unity in Unity3D
- Run the game and you will find the Unity's game object is following the real life tracked object
I'm just a tweet away (https://twitter.com/hasanavi) if you find any problem. For other contact details. http://hasanavi.me/
This is strictly WTFPL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL) license ;)