
Visual tool to manage and organize work, to visualize the flow of work and identify bottlenecks or areas for improvement in the process.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Task Manager inspired by the Kanban System. Create and organize tasks using drag and drop functions, assign users and categories.

Technolgies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


  • Summary Summary with general informations on tasks and upcoming deadlines
  • Create, Read, Update and Delete tasks and contacts
  • Different priority levels for tasks, depending on neccesity
  • create new categories
  • assign contacts to a task
  • organize tasks by drag and dropping them

The Development Process

Join is a group porject that i made with 2 colleauges, in this project i was responsible for the summary, board and add task section. The other colleauges were responsible for the Login and Backend connection and the other one for the contact section.

We have been working using the agile project management method, specifically following the Kanban approach. We tried to meet twice a week having a meeting and everyone shortly explaining what hes been working on, any problems and what he is going to work next.

In the beginning everyone focused on his own tasks and for me it was designing the layout of the summary function with only HTML and CSS since the logic was first possible when finishing the board section.

Next was creating the layout for the board section and after that working on the functioanlity of displaying the items in a JSON array for the tasks, with the specific information of the tasks, and also pushing new tasks in this JSON.

After that i concentrated on the drag and drop function to move tasks from one step to another, next i worked on the update function of the tasks where you can update, delete