
Flight Booking is a flask API that provides User Authentication, Flight Search, Flight Booking and Email Notifications.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability

Flight Booking API

A flight booking flask API that provides users with ability to:

  • Register for an account

  • Login into registered account

  • Logout from the account

    1. Customer

    • Upload/Edit/Delete passport photographs
    • Search for flights
    • Book available scheduled flights
    • Receive flight reminders via email 24 hours before flight

    2. Airline Staff

    • Add new airplane in the system
    • Get a list of all airplanes
    • Add new airport in the system
    • Get a list of all airports
    • Add new flight shedules
    • Get all flight schedules
    • Change Status of flights
    • Get a list of flight bookings in a given day


  • Python 3.6 or a later version
  • Flask
  • PostgreSQL
  • Use pip to install all the project dependancies


Clone the repo.

$ git clone https://github.com/muthash/flight-booking-flask.git

and cd into the folder:

$ /flight-booking-flask

Virtual environment

Create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the environment

$ source venv/bin/activate


Install package requirements to your environment.

pip install -r requirements.txt


Create a .env file in your root directory and add

source venv/bin/activate
export FLASK_APP="run.py"
export FLASK_ENV="development"
export SECRET="some-very-long-string-of-random-characters-CHANGE-TO-YOUR-LIKING"
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://username:password@localhost/database_name"
export TEST_DATABASE_URL="postgresql://username:password@localhost/test_database_name"
export APP_MAIL_USERNAME="email address to send reminder emails"
export APP_MAIL_PASSWORD="password to access the senders email"
export ADMIN_EMAIL="Flight attendant email address"
export ADMIN_NAME="Flight attendant name"
export ADMIN_PASSWORD="Flight attendant password"

activate the environment

source .env

Database migration

Create two Databases in PostgreSQL:

  • production database
  • testing database

Run the following commands for the development database:

$ python manage.py db init

$ python manage.py db migrate

$ python manage.py db upgrade

Create Admin User

$ python manage.py create_admin

Create Images Folder

$ python manage.py create_folder


To run tests perform the following

$ python manage.py test

To run tests with coverage perform the following:

$ python manage.py cov

Start The Server

To start the server run the following command

flask run

The server will run on

Testing API on Postman

Note Ensure that after you succesfully login a user, you use the generated token in the authorization header for the endpoints that require authentication. Remeber to add Bearer before the token as shown:

Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9eyJpYXQiO 

API endpoints

Endpoint Method Functionality Authentication
/api/register POST Creates a user account FALSE
/api/login POST Logs in a user TRUE
/api/logout POST Logs out a user TRUE
/api/uploads/passport PUT Upload Passport Photograph TRUE
/api/uploads/passport DELETE Delete Passport Photograph TRUE
/api/airport POST Add a new airport ADMIN
/api/airport GET Retrieve all airports TRUE
/api/airplane POST Add a new aircraft ADMIN
/api/airplane GET Retrieve all aircrafts TRUE
/api/flight POST Add a new flight schedule ADMIN
/api/flight GET Add all flight schedules TRUE
/api/v1/booking/<flight_id> POST Book a flight TRUE
/api/v1/booking/<flight_id>?bdate=Jul 02 2020 GET Get flight booking for a particular day TRUE

Heroku Production Link

Interact with the hosted application using this link https://flight-booking-flask.herokuapp.com/