
Terraform provider for influxv2

Primary LanguageGoMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

InfluxDB v2 Provider

The InfluxDB v2 provider allows Terraform to manage InfluxDB v2.

How to use

Terraform 0.13.x

Add this snippet to your code:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    influxdb-v2 = {
      source = "hasanhakkaev/influxdb-v2"
      version = "0.4.4"

Initialize the provider

provider "influxdb-v2" {
  url = "http://influxdb.example.com:8086"
  token = "influxdbToken"

The provider configuration block accepts the following arguments:

  • url (Optional) The root URL of a InfluxDB V2 server. May alternatively be set via the INFLUXDB_V2_URL environment variable. Defaults to http://localhost:8086/.

  • token (Optional) The token that gives access to the influxdb instance. May alternatively be set via the INFLUXDB_V2_TOKEN environment variable.

A token can be acquired by executing the onboarding process, which is possible using:

  • influx GUI, API or command line (manually)

Available functionalities

Documentation is available in website/docs/. Influxdb v2 api documentation is available here.

Data sources

  • ready (status of the influxdb-v2 instance)
  • organization (get an organization by name)


  • bucket
  • authorization (tokens)
  • organization


Find examples in examples/. To run them:



TaskFile (https://taskfile.dev/)
Precommit framework (https://pre-commit.com/)
Docker (https://www.docker.com/)
Go 1.16^ (https://golang.org/doc/install)
Terraform 0.13^ (https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html)
InfluxDB 2.0^ (https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v2.0/install/)
# Run Task init to download dependencies
task init


First execute this command to lint and format the code:

task lint

To run acceptance tests, execute these commands (requires docker and jq):

task start-influx
task test
task stop-influx


task build