
Manage Attendances of Student's or Members along with department, course, semester.

Primary LanguagePHP

Attendance Management System (AMS)


The Attendance Management System (AMS) is a PHP-based web application for managing student attendance. It follows the MVC architecture and offers a range of features such as adding and editing departments, courses, semesters, and students. It also allows marking attendance and viewing detailed attendance reports.


  • Add, edit, and manage departments, courses, semesters, and students.
  • Mark attendance for students.
  • View individual and overall attendance reports.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Create a MySQL database and import the initialize_query.sql file to set up the required tables.
  3. Run a web server (e.g., Apache or XAMPP) and point it to the public directory.


  • Default Credentials:
  • Username: raj3100
  • Password: raj3100


  1. Add Departments, Courses, Semesters, Students: The admin can easily manage academic entities in the system.
  2. Mark Attendance: Teachers can mark attendance for each student in the system.
  3. View Attendance Reports: You can view both individual and overall attendance reports for students, allowing easy tracking of attendance history.