
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

To compile encode.cpp and decode.cpp, run make.
After compiling, you can test the encoding and decoding functionalities by executing ./eval.sh.
This code has already been submitted to Neuralink with GROUP=2.
It serves as a useful starting point for those who need basic starter code with some heuristics.
The algorithm implemented here employs Huffman encoding for two distinct sets of data:
The first set comprises the first element of each group, while the second set contains the remaining elements in the groups.
Consider a simple dataset of 8 elements divided into groups of 4 settings: [100, 120, 110, 111, 102, 150, 200, 80].
After manipulating the data, subtract the first element in each group from the rest.
This results in the following sets for Huffman encoding:
First set: huffman_encoding([100, 102])
Second set: huffman_encoding([20, 10, 11, 48, 98, -22]).

All recordings successfully compressed.
Original size (bytes): 146800526
Compressed size (bytes): 56494444
Compression ratio: 2.59