
This is a WordPress boilerplate plugin using vue 3, build with vite. Also tailwind setup available.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WP Plugin Vue Boilerplate (Vite Build)

Run only 4 commands and make your own plugin

  • git clone https://github.com/hasanuzzamanbe/wp-boilerplate-vue-with-vite.git
  • cd wp-boilerplate-vue-with-vite
  • npm i
  • node aladin and enter your Plugin Name in the command prompt.

Aladdin 🧞‍♂️ will make it within a blink.

Congratulations Everything is done 🥳 npm run dev to run development mode. Find and activate your plugin in WordPress.

This is a Customizable Boilerplate WordPress Plugin that is developed as a single-page app with Vue js and Vite. You don't have to reload the page all the time. Read the Detailed quick setup can help to make a new fresh plugin within 10 sec

How faster is Vite than the Webpack in development?

It needs milliseconds to update the dom, Check very short video

photo_2023-10-09 00 03 48

How to use? (details)

  • Just clone/fork this repository on your wp-content/plugins directory
  • run: npm i You may check the package.json file for more info.

Make Your Own plugin from boilerplate within 10 sec (Quick Setup 🧞‍♂️)

No worries! It needs just one command to create your own plugin with your Namespaces, Text Domains and Slugs.

Open the directory in the terminal (cd wp-boilerplate-vue-with-vite)

Call aladin 🧞‍♂️ by one command.

  • run: node aladin and enter your Plugin Name in the command prompt.

Aladdin 🧞‍♂️ will make it within a blink. Congratulations Everything is done 🥳

Just find the plugin name and activate it in your WordPress. Run development mode by npm run dev

Yes, you can update all those things later also.

Manual setup(Not recommended):

you have to replace all the NameSpaces and slugs. You may search and replace in plugin directory. by these keywords bellow.

PluginClassName to yourClassName

pluginlowercase to yourpluginslug,


PluginName to Your Plugin Name,

pluginslug to your-plugin-slug

production mode

You only need to run npm run production delete all excepts these files/directory.

  • assets
  • includes
  • plugin-entry.php (plugin Entry file)

Development Helping Docs:

Enqueue Assets:

Now easy enqueue from version 1.0.6 No need to worry about the dev environment enqueue or Production level enqueue. everything here can be managed by Vite dedicated class (includes/Classes/Vite.php)

Just Call like this

Vite::enqueueScript($enqueueTag, $yourAdminSourcePath, $dependency = [], $version = null, $inFooter = false)

Note: same as wp_enqueue_script

Example use case:

No need to enqueue production manually again, It will enqueue from manifest on production. Just call `Vite::enqueueScript()`

Vite::enqueueScript('my-plugin-script-boot', 'admin/start.js', array('jquery'), PLUGIN_CONST_VERSION, true)

Vite::enqueueStyle('my-plugin-style', 'scss/my-style.js', array(), PLUGIN_CONST_VERSION, true)

NOT RECOMMENDED wp_enqueue_script (see why)

If you want to use wp_enqueue_script then you have to call both dev and production manually:

(Production and dev enqueue script should be like this)

    wp_enqueue_script('pluginlowercase-script-boot', PLUGIN_CONST_URL . 'assets/js/start.js', array('jquery'), PLUGIN_CONST_VERSION, false);
} else {
    wp_enqueue_script('pluginlowercase-script-boot', 'http://localhost:8880/' . 'src/admin/start.js', array('jquery'), PLUGIN_CONST_VERSION, true);

Read web documentation here Details Docs

If you face any issues feel free to let me know. :)

Vue + Element UI auto command boilerplate

You can check another boilerplate plugin with vue js and element UI, You can create your own project using a simple command line on that project within 2 minutes.

Check it here: https://github.com/hasanuzzamanbe/wp-boilerplate-plugin-with-vuejs

Other Setups You May Use

Active Example plugins:

Plugin using this boilerplate: https://wordpress.org/plugins/buy-me-coffee/
Github Repo: https://github.com/hasanuzzamanbe/buy-me-coffee