- Check the wiki: https://wiki.aaps.app
- Everyone who’s been looping with AAPS needs to fill out the form after 3 days of looping https://docs.google.com/forms/d/14KcMjlINPMJHVt28MDRupa4sz4DDIooI4SrW0P3HSN8/viewform?c=0&w=1
It's a plugin, need to be select in the config builder. For now AIMI settings are : -insulinReq in % -Scale_min -Scale_50 -UAM_bolusCAP _Start and End Time
To enter in the AIMI smb calculation, you have to start your meal with a manual bolus, the size is not important, the action is. During the next three hours who follow the manual Bolus, AIMI will do the job, out of this time zone, you will come back to isf tunning, basale tunning and target management. Enjoy 3KawK8aQe48478s6fxJ8Ms6VTWkwjgr9f2