
Skelattars is a clean, minimalistic and responsive HTML/CSS/JS template.

Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION

Skelattars, a responsive HTML5/CSS3 Template

Skelattars is a clean and minimalistic HTML/CSS/JS template that is build upon the Strata Template by html5up and its underlying framework Skel. It is free for personal and commercial use under the CC-BY 3.0 license.

It is developed using using tools like Bower, Gulp and SCSS.


Prerequisites: nodejs, npm, bower

$ git clone https://github.com/haschek/skelattars.git
$ cd skelattars/
$ npm install

Changelog (and differences to Strata by HTML5 Up)

  • Skelattars v0.0.0
    • name: skel (like the framework) + attars (anagram of strata)
    • folder structure
    • integrating node modules, bower components and gulp worklow
  • Skelattars v0.5.0-dev
    • demo content
    • do not force optical borders as horizontal rules after sections
    • disable full IE support
    • use CSS3 media queries (instead of javascript switch)
    • separate layout elements
    • mobile first approach for CSS and Skel
    • adjust Typography and font-size configuration
    • adjust colors and images
    • simplify branding configuration
    • set header only fixed if there is enough vertical space
    • layout for navigation list and responsive flyin navigation

Forked from: Strata by HTML5 UP

Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license.

A simple, minimalist template that actually began life as an unused redesign of n33.co. Includes a (configurable) parallax background effect, Poptrox-powered lightbox gallery, a bunch of pre-styled elements, and Sass sources for the Sass-inclined. By AJ (n33.co @n33co dribbble.com/n33).


  • Demo Images:

    • Unsplash (unsplash.com)
  • Icons:

    • Font Awesome (fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome)
  • Other:

    • jQuery (jquery.com)
    • html5shiv.js (@afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem)
    • CSS3 Pie (css3pie.com)
    • background-size polyfill (github.com/louisremi)
    • skel (getskel.com)