This repository contains the code, project report, and datasets for a comprehensive exploration of machine learning techniques to address class imbalance. The project investigates the impact of various methods, including ADASYN, KMeansSMOTE, and Deep Learning Generator, on classification performance using three real-world datasets. Implemented in Python and utilizing Jupyter Notebooks for experimentation and analysis, this repository offers detailed documentation and insights, along with the necessary datasets for reproduction of the results.
• Explore and compare the performance of ADASYN, KMeansSMOTE, and a Deep Learning Generator in addressing class imbalance.
• Evaluate the impact of these techniques on selected classification algorithms.
• Provide comprehensive and detailed understanding of the results in a compiled project report.
• ADASYN (Adaptive Synthetic Sampling): Generates synthetic samples for the minority class, focusing on regions with low imbalance ratios.
• KMeansSMOTE: Combines K-Means clustering with SMOTE to generate synthetic samples within clusters.
• Deep Learning Generator: Utilizes advanced deep learning models (GANs, Transformers, Variational Autoencoders, Autoregressive models) from MostlyAI to create high-quality synthetic data.
• KNN, Logistic Regression, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Linear SVM, & Decision Trees
• Precision (Both Classes), Recall (Both Classes), F1-Score (Both Classes), Accuracy, & AUC
To efficiently test multiple class imbalance techniques on multiple datasets, a master function and supporting functions have been created to streamline the workflow. This pipeline automates the process of fetching data, data cleaning, EDA, data transformation, feature selection, data splitting and CV, model learning, hyperparameter tuning, and model evaluation. First pipiline is used to get a baseline for each dataset and then after applying each class imbalance technique on each of the datasets pipeline is deployed again and again and the results of each approach are compiled with the baseline for comparison. The modular structure allows for easy extension and modification, facilitating comprehensive experimentation and analysis. For future work, this pipeline can be modified to enable more advance data imputation techniques, more robust CV approach, and usage of GridSearch for tuning of hyperparameters.
Title: Lending Club Loan Data Analysis
Domain: Finance
Number of Rows: 9578
Number of Columns: 14
Feature Type: Mixed
Class Balance: 84:16 (Percentage)
Title: Hotel Reservation Classification Dataset
Domain: Hospitality
Number of Rows: 36275
Number of Columns: 19
Feature Type: Mixed
Class Balance: 67:33 (Percentage)
Title: Churn Modelling
Domain: Finance
Number of Rows: 10000
Number of Columns: 14
Feature Type: Mixed
Class Balance: 79:21 (Percentage)