
A simple, functional theme for ZSH

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A simple, functional theme for ZSH.

Influenced by zsh2000, agnoster's theme and jeremyFreeAgent's theme.


Simple path displays relative to the $HOME directory:

Simple path display

Display the remote login, if present:

Remote login display

Icon to show suspended tasks:

Suspended tasks display


  1. Install your preferred version of the Powerline-patched fonts

  2. Install within Oh-My-ZSH:

cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes
git clone https://github.com/hash-bang/zsh-theme-zest.git
ln -s zsh-theme-zest/zest.zsh-theme .
  1. Set the theme option within your ZSH config:

# Add config options here if you have any (see below)


Set any of the ZSH_THEME_* options to customize the theme:

Segment Option Default Description
Status ZSH_THEME_STATUS_ENABLE "1" Whether to enable the status segment (show the status of the last command + wheteher the user is root + pending jobs)
ZSH_THEME_STATUS_COLOR_BG "black" Background color of the status segment
ZSH_THEME_STATUS_COLOR_RETVAL_NONZERO_FG "yellow" Non-zero return forground color of the previous command
ZSH_THEME_STATUS_COLOR_ROOT_FG "yellow" "User is root" foreground indicator color
ZSH_THEME_STATUS_COLOR_JOBS_FG "cyan" "There are background jobs" foreground indicator color
Hostname ZSH_THEME_HOSTNAME_ENABLE "2" Enable hostname segment: 0 - disable, 1 - always enable, 2 - only if the dialed into another server via SSH
ZSH_THEME_HOSTNAME_COLOR_BG "#ECBE7B" Hostname segment foreground color
ZSH_THEME_HOSTNAME_COLOR_FG "#3B4252" Hostname segment background color
Path ZSH_THEME_PATH_FORMAT "%~" How to display paths, '%1d' - current directory only, '%d' - full path, '%~' - Shortened home full path
ZSH_THEME_PATH_COLOR_BG "#81A1C1" Path segment background color
ZSH_THEME_PATH_COLOR_FG "#3B4252" Path segment foreground color
Git ZSH_THEME_GIT_COLOR_BG "#434C5E" Git segment background color
ZSH_THEME_GIT_COLOR_FG "#D8DEE9" Git segment foreground color
ZSH_THEME_GIT_REWRITE_REPLACE_ENABLE "1" Enable rewriting branches
ZSH_THEME_GIT_REWRITE_REPLACE_BRANCHES ("master", "main") Which branch names to rewrite
ZSH_THEME_GIT_REWRITE_REPLACE_DIRTY "🞱" Rewrite "master" branches with this symbol if the branch is dirty
ZSH_THEME_GIT_REWRITE_REPLACE_NONDIRTY "●" Rewrite "master" branches with this symbol if the branch is non-dirty
ZSH_THEME_GIT_SYMBOLS_ENABLE "0" Use the standard Oh-My-ZSH git_prompt_status helper to render Git status symbols


  • All ZSH_THEME_*_COLOR_{BG,FG} values can be either a valid ANSI color (e.g. black, yellow, gray), a 256 integter color code (e.g. 33, 19) or a Hex code (e.g. #434C5E, #ECBE7B)
  • ZSH_THEME_PATH_FORMAT follows the ZSH formatting standard, see the man page for zsh for more details on possible values and their documentation