NOTE: Currently, we are not accepting any pull requests! All PRs will be closed. If you want a feature or something doesn't work, please create an issue.
tez (तेज़ / تیز) means sharp, fast & active. This is a simple, to-the-point, library to make your pytorch training easy.
Note: This library is in very early-stage currently! So, there might be breaking changes.
- keep things as simple as possible
- make it as customizable as possible
- clean code
- faster prototyping
- production ready
Currently, tez supports cpu and gpu training. More coming soon!
Using tez is super-easy. We don't want you to be far away from pytorch. So, you do everything on your own and just use tez to make a few things simpler.
To train a model, define a dataset and model. The dataset class is the same old class you would write when writing pytorch models.
Create your model class. Instead of inheriting from
, import tez and inherit fromtez.Model
as shown in the following example.
class MyModel(tez.Model):
def __init__(self):
# tell when to step the scheduler
def monitor_metrics(self, outputs, targets):
if targets is None:
return {}
outputs = torch.sigmoid(outputs).cpu().detach().numpy() >= 0.5
targets = targets.cpu().detach().numpy()
accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(targets, outputs)
return {"accuracy": accuracy}
def fetch_scheduler(self):
# create your own scheduler
def fetch_optimizer(self):
# create your own optimizer
def forward(self, ids, mask, token_type_ids, targets=None):
_, o_2 = self.bert(ids, attention_mask=mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids)
b_o = self.bert_drop(o_2)
output = self.out(b_o)
# calculate loss here
loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()(output, targets)
# calculate the metric dictionary here
metric_dict = self.monitor_metrics(output, targets)
return output, loss, metric_dict
Everything is super-intuitive!
- Now you can train your model!
# init datasets
train_dataset = SomeTrainDataset()
valid_dataset = SomeValidDataset()
# init model
model = MyModel()
# init callbacks, you can also write your own callback
tb_logger = tez.callbacks.TensorBoardLogger(log_dir=".logs/")
es = tez.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor="valid_loss", model_path="model.bin")
# train model. a familiar api!
callbacks=[tb_logger, es],
# save model (with optimizer and scheduler for future!)"model.bin")
You can checkout examples in examples/