
FitnessClub created with MERN Stack!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Just built this incredible full - stack application from scratch using MERN STACK ( MongoDB, Express, React.js and Nodejs). Description: Sports Web App for creating sports events.

Table of Contents



Some of the cool features of this FitnessClub:

  • 💪 User registration and authentication (maybe add facebook/gmail login if the series becomes popular)
  • 💪Hashing password for security
  • 💪 Session control
  • 💪 CRUD operations (create, read, update and delete)
  • 💪 Search for events using filters (Running, Cycling or Swimming)
  • 💪 Sign UP for event in order to participate
  • 💪Upload images to the server
  • 💪 Paypal implementation


  • Built stable and maintainable code base using React
  • Created login, logout, subscribe to events,upload new events, check my events and subscriptions, filter events, and many more features.
  • API consumption with axios.
  • Code reusable components.
  • Tested accessibility with jest - axe.
  • Designed front - end with Mobile First.
  • Use axios to fetch the API.
  • Implement paypal payment method .
  • Save user credentials with LocalStorage.
  • Persistent user session with React Conext API.
  • Some of the packages used:
    1. React icons.
    2. React loading.
    3. React responsive carousel.
    4. React scroll.
    5. Styled components.
    6. React router dom.


  • Developed using M V C. CRUD operations . Wrote clean, well - documented, and resilient code.
  • Run and monitor performance tests with Jest.
  • Hashed and salted passwords for security (bcrypt).
  • AWS S3 Bucket for images.


  • Frontend : Accessibility tests with jest-axe.
  • Backend : Testing routes with jest and supertest.




For any questions, please contact me with the information below:

GitHub: @josh231101