
Railway maps of world's famous cities.

What's this?

Railway maps of world's famous cities. Maps are created by Adobe illustrator, and are outputted as SVG.


Outlining character with white color is implemented by "paint-order" property, not the SVG itself. This is SVG 2 property, but it's implemented by Gecko and Webkit browser. So, you can do this like following code (CSS with PHP):

  if (strpos($ua, "AppleWebKit") !== false || strpos($ua, "Gecko") !== false){
    echo 'paint-order: stroke; stroke: #fff; stroke-width: 5px; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round;';
  } else{
    // Hack for other browser
    echo 'text-shadow: 0px 2px 0px white,0px 1px 0px white,1px 1px 0px white,1px 0px 0px white,2px 0px 0px white,1px -1px 0px white,1px -2px 0px white,0px -2px 0px white,-1px -2px 0px white,-2px -2px 0px white,-2px -1px 0px white,-2px 0px 0px white,-2px 1px 0px white,-1px 1px 0px white;';

g#lv2-big-junction text{
  stroke-width: 7px;

g#river text, 
  text-shadow: none;
  stroke: none;


CC0; Public domain. Means you can use the file of repository you want to!