Task 10:

Overview :

Set up your Github Repository

  • Create a new repository called Regex-Recursion from this template
  • Clone this repo to your local machine.
  • install package dependencies run npm install
  • Checkout a new branch called regex for Regex task.
  • Checkout a new branch called recursion for Recursion task.
  • Open it in VS code.

You will find the instructions inside each folder.

Submission Instructions:

  • When your work is complete and ready for submission, push to the regex and recursion branches.
  • Create two pull requests one for each branch.
  • Submit the pull requests links.
  • Merge regex and recursion with the main branch.
  • What observations or questions do you have about what you’ve learned so far?
  • How long did it take you to complete this assignment? And, before you started, how long did you think it would take you to complete this assignment?