
implementation of hd wallet

Primary LanguagePython


implementation of hd wallet for bitcoin and other utils

testing repo


update project with crypto_tools repo:


HD Wallets :

from hd_wallet import HDWallet
# new wallet
>>> hd = HDWallet()
>>> ' '.join(hd.mnemonic)
'mystery quality kangaroo jar inspire stay nose oval coconut life view creek'

# restore old wallet with mnemonic
>>> hd = HDWallet(mnemonic=['mystery', 'quality', 'kangaroo',
                           'jar', 'inspire', 'stay',
                           'nose', 'oval', 'coconut',
                           'life', 'view', 'creek'])
>>> hd.master_private_key
# get HDKey
>>> hd_key = hd.get_wallet()
# get n'th normal child
# return new instance from HDWallet
>>>> normal_child_5 = hd.get_normal_child(index=5)
# get n'th hardened child
# return new instance from HDWallet
>>>> hardened_child_5 = hd2.get_hardened_child(index=5)
# get derivation path (soon ...)
# return new instance from HDWallet
>>>> m = hd.get_wallet_for_derivation_path('m/44h/0h/0h/0')