
A simple commandline injector using classic DLL injection

Primary LanguageC++

DLL Injector

Build status

A simple commandline DLL injector.

Supported actions:

  • Load DLL
  • Unload DLL
  • Check if the DLL is loaded

Allows to inject into:

  • Existing process
  • Newly created process


/dll <wstring>
	 : DLL path
/target <wstring>
	 : Exe to be run with the DLL injected, or target PID (where to inject)

/action <*action_id>
	 : Action to be executed
	0 (C) - check if the DLL is loaded
	1 (L) - load the DLL [DEFAULT]
	2 (U) - unload the DLL
/cmd <wstring>
	 : Commandline arguments (for a newly created process)

NOTE: Use the injector and a DLL with the same bitness as your target (appropriately 32, or 64 bit).


📦 ⚙️ Download the latest release.


Use recursive clone to get the repo together with all the submodules:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/hasherezade/dll_injector.git

Hooking DLLs

This is a generic injector, not tied to any particular hooking engine.

If you need a quick template helpful in building your own injectable DLL, you can check this one.