
This package is a messaging relay between decentralized applications and wallets in Hedera network based on Wallet Connect relays.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This library is the result of Hedera community collaboration to bring Hedera into the WalletConnect ecosystem and vice versa.

The goal of this repository is to be a reference for wallets and dApps integrating the WalletConnect <> Hedera JSON-RPC reference. Additionally, this library is meant to be included in projects supporting WalletConnect and Hedera, providing utility functions useful to validating requests and resposes in both the WalletConnect JSON-RPC context as well as the Hedera context.

A few useful resources include:

WalletConnect brings the ecosystem together by enabling wallets and apps to securely connect and interact.

-- https://walletconnect.com

Hedera aims to be:

The open source public ledger for everyone

-- https://hedera.com

This package managed by the Hedera community and is intended to be a standard for ecosystem wallets and dApp providers utilizing WalletConnect as a their communications protocol. It utilizes the @hashgraph/sdk and provides functions to facilitate implementing the WalletConnect <> Hedera JSON-RPC spec which has been defined through the collaborative HIP process in HIP-820.

This library facilitates the implementation of the WalletConnect <> Hedera Spec which allows wallets and dApps to natively integrate with Hedera. It provides additional, out of network functionality with the hedera_signMessage function.

In short, it uses the Hedera javascript SDK to build transactions, serialize them, send to wallets for processing and return responses back to dApps.

Please note, this is distinct from the Implementation of Ethereum JSON-RPC APIs for Hedera. At the time of this writing, "the Hedera JSON-RPC relay implementation is in beta, offers limited functionality today, and is only available to developers."

The relay and this library have different intentions and serve different purposes - namely native Hedera integration vs. Ethereum compatability layers to ease developer onboarding for those more familiar with the Ethereum ecosystem.


WalletConnect <> Hedera docs are fully hosted on https://hwc-docs.hgraph.app/

Accessing the docs locally

  • cd docs
  • npm install
  • npm run docs
  • Navigating to localhost:3000